Growth To Exit Blog

1st Area: Best Practices for Conflict and Risk Management

Feb 15, 2021


Some risks that are thought to be unknown, are not unknown. With some foresight and critical thought, some risks that at first glance may seem unforeseen, can in fact be foreseen. Armed with the right set of tools, procedures, knowledge and insight, light can be shed on variables that lead to risk, allowing us to manage them.” ~ Daniel Wagner

Last time on the Growth to...

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The 5 Key Areas You Must Evaluate Before Selling Your Business

Feb 01, 2021


People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.” ~ Brian Tracy

One of the main concerns that buyers have when they are thinking about buying your company is its consistency and predictability after the transaction.

What does that really mean?

Buyers are usually worried that when there's a change...

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Three Ways to Assess Your Passion for your Business

Jan 18, 2021


"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." – Simon Sinek

Remember when you first had the idea for your business? Excitement, adrenaline, and motivation fueled your actions to bring your vision into reality. Sleepless nights, nail-biting episodes, and perhaps midnight calls were part of the journey to success.

How do you feel about your business now? Are you passionate...

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How to Shift from a Sellerā€™s Perspective to a Buyer's Mindset

Nov 04, 2020


You spent a lifetime making mistakes and learning how to be successful in your chosen field or industry. Through trial and error, you learned how to monetize your business and establish your brand in the marketplace. Revenues and profits are stable, and you may be thinking about the next step for your company – either succession to the next generation or a liquidity event.

But how...

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Buyers and Sellers are in Competition for the Price of Your Company

Nov 03, 2020


Selling your company is not the same as running it. To sell your business for its actual value, you must understand the mind of the buyer.

A buyer has a checklist that he uses to measure whether your company is a viable investment. The buyer's perspective is objective, data-driven, and analytical.

First-time sellers are vulnerable to being taken advantage of by sophisticated buyers. When...

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5 Mistakes to Avoid in Planning Your Exit Strategy

Nov 02, 2020
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail” – Benjamin Franklin.

After years of hard work, late nights, and excessive amounts of time, energy, and money, you may be thinking about selling your company. Did you know that the critical window to plan for a transition in ownership is 12 to 18 months before the actual sale?

As a business owner, you know the daily...

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