Growth To Exit Blog

Finding the Right Co-Founder and Business Partner

Oct 26, 2021

Finding a the right business partner for your company or startup is a difficult and time-consuming task. Unlike your colleagues or employees, who follow the directions and rules that you have set, your business partner is involved in all important decisions – based on which the future of the company depends – manages company resources, and has an equal say on business activities.


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Succession Planning: What Happens when your Kids Donโ€™t Want to Take the Family Business?

Sep 28, 2021

Corporate succession is one of the most defining moments in the history of a family business. Many parents and grand-parents that have built family businesses from scratch, hope that one day, their lives’ work will pass down to their children and their children’s children, and their legacy will stay alive even after they retire.

This is, however, not always the reality, as surveys...

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Are your Customers Happy? How to Increase Customer Satisfaction in your Business (Part II)

Jul 21, 2021

In our last post, we talked about the most efficient and commonly used methods to measure customer satisfaction in your business.

Measuring the satisfaction of your customers is a key factor for the successful run of your company, and it is widely considered a firmly anchored principle in the corporate world. In fact, companies that have been thriving over the last couple of decades, have set...

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LIKE ITโ€™S YOUR JOB: A Business and Entrepreneurship Podcast by Growth To Exit

May 03, 2021


In 2020, reported that there are more than 75 million podcast listeners in the US alone, who listen to podcasts on a regular basis. In fact, one third of the country’s population (32%) listens to podcasts at least once a month (Edison Research, 2019).

There is no doubt that interest in podcasts is growing rapidly, not just in America, but also all around the world, as...

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