Growth To Exit Blog

How to Increase Business Value During a Pandemic

Dec 21, 2020
"Sometimes the biggest gain in productive energy will come from cleaning the cobwebs, dealing with old business, and clearing the desks – cutting loose debris that's impeding forward motion.~ David Allen

We live in strange and extraordinary times. The world changed in the space of a breath, and uncertainty has become the new norm.

The pandemic has had a significant human,...

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The Importance of Timing: When to Exit Your Business for Greatest Results

Nov 30, 2020

Timing is everything.

It’s a saying we have all heard before and when it comes to running a business, it rings truer than ever. Proper timing can mean the difference between success or failure. You invested a great deal of thought and planning into starting your business and growing it into a successful enterprise.

When you want to sell your business or pass it on to the next generation,...

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Strategic Exit Planning: The Importance of Timing

Nov 16, 2020

When you own a business that provides a service or product, you know the importance of timing. You have probably experienced a mistimed product launch or a delayed service opportunity. With the perspective of time, you can probably look back on those "mistakes" and identify the lessons you and your team learned.

Timing also applies to the sale of your business. 

Many business owners wait...

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